Guest article - Cycle observation & desire to have children

The right timing is crucial so that your wish to have children can be fulfilled quickly. 81% of women who want to have children who monitor their cycle specifically become pregnant within 6 months. It is therefore very important that you know your cycle composition and cycle health and exactly how your cycle "ticks". Knowing when exactly the fertile days are increases the chances of getting pregnant faster.

Know your fertile phase

The temperature reflects the hormones in the female cycle. At the time of ovulation, the simultaneous release of progesterone causes your body core temperature to rise by 0.25 to 0.5°C. However, there are only about 6 days per cycle when you can get pregnant. This fertile phase includes the 4 days before ovulation, the day of ovulation itself and the day after. In order to get pregnant, however, you have to record the time before ovulation, because the probability of conception is greatest with sexual intercourse 1-2 days before ovulation. Here, too, the temperature changes minimally. OvulaRing helps you to recognize this change and shows you when the probability of getting pregnant is highest.

Is my cycle healthy?

A healthy menstrual cycle is a prerequisite for OvulaRingpregnancy to occur. If you monitor your cycle specifically with OvulaRing, you will find out whether your cycles are healthy and fertile. A healthy menstrual cycle is characterized by a biphasic course. The first half of the cycle is variable in duration, beginning with menstruation and ending with ovulation. Due to the variability of the first half of the cycle, ovulation can occur on very different days of the cycle and even well after the 20th day of the cycle. The fact that ovulation takes place directly on cycle day 14 is rather a rarity, but in no way reduces your fertility. The second cycle phase, the so-called luteal phase, begins with ovulation and lasts a relatively constant 12-16 days until the start of the next menstrual period. The production of progesterone leads to the characteristic rise in temperature for ovulation and the drop in temperature after 12-16 days. With OvulaRing you can see exactly how long your cycle phases are and whether your cycles are healthy, even without your gynecologist. If you don't ovulate repeatedly, your cycles aren't healthy and fertile, and you can't get pregnant. In this case, contact your gynecologist to discuss treatment options. If your second cycle phase is permanently shorter than 10 days, you could have luteal insufficiency.

What is luteal insufficiency?

In the case of corpus luteum weakness, the corpus luteum is not sufficiently developed, so that less corpus luteum hormone can be released. However, the corpus luteum hormone is responsible for the structure of the endometrium and the optimal implantation of the embryo. If there is a weakness of the corpus luteum, ovulation can take place and the egg cell can also be fertilized, but implantation of the fertilized egg cell is disturbed, so that the preservation of the pregnancy is at risk. If a weakness of the corpus luteum has been identified, it can be treated well by administering progesterone after ovulation. Every cycle is individual 11% of all women have long cycles and 70% of them also ovulate. Even extremely long cycles are therefore usually healthy. However, with long cycles it is more difficult to determine the exact day of ovulation, because the formula ovulation = mid-cycle does not apply here under any circumstances. Rather, ovulation takes place after the 20th day.cycle day, sometimes even much later

OvulaRing shows you, even with extremely long cycles, whether you are ovulating and if so, when. This way you will no longer miss your fertile phase. Even with short cycles, ovulation can easily be missed if you don't know exactly what your cycle biology is. Here ovulations take place very early and usually before the middle of the cycle. The fertile phase often begins with the end of the period and the day of ovulation varies between the 8th and 12th day of the cycle. Even with short cycles, OvulaRing can help you to determine your ovulation exactly and thus get to know your body better. With a close cycle observation you can find out what type of cycle you are, whether you have long, short or irregular cycles and whether your cycles are healthy.

Does it make sense to measure the basal body temperature?

Measuring the basal body temperature at the same time in the morning is only a one-point measurement and cannot fully reflect your cycle. Many women also feel stressed by the constant temperature measurement, often sleep less well or they simply forget to take the temperature. In addition, your waking temperature is affected by external factors such as poor sleep, shift work, travel, sport, illness and much more. influenced, so that your ovulation can often not be determined correctly.

OvulaRing automatically measures your core body temperature around the clock and automatically saves not just one, but 288 measuring points every day. This creates a complete cycle image without you having to take measurements yourself. OvulaRing easily adapts to your lifestyle, because your lifestyle, illnesses or your sporting activities do not affect the measurement accuracy.

What you should know about ovulation tests

You want a baby and use ovulation tests to determine ovulation? Caution: A study shows that the measurement of the LH content ("luteinizing hormone", essential for the function of the ovaries and thus for the menstrual cycle) in urine is unreliable. ⁣⁣⁣Previously it was assumed that ovulation always occurs about 24 to 48 hours after an LH peak. However, scientists have been able to prove that an LH surge in the urine is not always followed by ovulation. On average, the LH high was even 1.2 days after ovulation.

In addition, individual LH surges are extremely variable in pattern, strength, frequency, and duration. In only 6% of cycles did the LH surge end before ovulation (as is commonly believed). However, in the overwhelming majority (94%), LH continued to surge after ovulation, for more than 3 days in 60% of cycles. Women with PCOS("polycystic ovary syndrome" is the most common hormonal disorder in women and a very common reason for reduced fertility) often have multiple LH surges or a permanently elevated LH value, so that an ovulation test often does not provide any clear information about them. Elevated LH levels can be seen in 60% of all women with PCOS. In addition, women with PCOS usually have prolonged cycles with no or very late ovulation. A large number of test strips are required here, which is not only time-consuming, but also nerve-wracking and expensive. In order to record your individual cycle in its entirety, continuous cycle monitoring is important. OvulaRing automatically measures your core body temperature around the clock and reliably shows you the fertility window and ovulation for every cycle type and for PCOS. In addition, you will find out whether your cycles are really healthy. In this way you shorten the time to your desired child.

Guest post by OvulaRing For more information about OvulaRing, visit


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